3 M ar 1 99 9 The two - leg t − J ladder : A mean - field description
Two-leg t − J ladders are investigated in the framework of a combination of the phase string formulation and bond-operator representation. We develope a mean-field theory in the strong rung interaction regime, i.e. J ⊥ ≫ J, t, which provides a unified description of the undoped insulating phase and the low doping phase — the so-called C1S0 phase. Both of them are characterized by the resonating-valence-bond (RVB) order parameter, with gap opened up in all spin excitations. The ground state of the doped phase is intrinsi-cally a superconductor with a d-wave symmetry, which is driven by the RVB correlations. The ground-state energy is in good agreement with numerical results. Phase separation is shown to occur beyond some critical value of J/t for given doping concentration. We also show that the spin gap in the doped phase is determined by quasi-particle-like excitations. The local structure of hole pairs as well as the spectra of various spin and charge modes are analyzed in comparison with other approaches.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : c on d - m at / 9 60 81 38 v 1 2 8 A ug 1 99 6 Ground State Phases of the Doped 4 - Leg t - J Ladder Steven
Using density matrix renormalization group techniques, we have studied the ground state of the 4-leg t-J ladder doped near half-filling. Depending upon J/t and the hole doping x, three types of ground state phases are found: (1) a phase containing d x 2 −y 2 pairs; (2) a striped CDW domain-wall phase, and (3) a phase separated regime. A CDW domain-wall consists of fluctuating hole pairs and thi...
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متن کامل1 9 Se p 19 99 Studies of the t - J two - leg ladder via series expansions
Studies of the t-J two-leg ladder via series expansions Abstract Series expansions at T = 0 are used to study properties of the half-filled t-J ladder doped with one or two holes, and at quarter filling. Dispersion curves are obtained for one-hole symmetric and antisymmetric (bonding and antibonding) excitations and for the two-hole bound state. The line in the phase diagram which separates bou...
متن کامل3 0 Ju l 1 99 9 Ground state energy and mass gap of a generalised quantum spin ladder
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